Monday, January 11, 2010

Have Boots Will Travel!!!!!

Yay, I got my hiking boots today. It helped that they were on sale - not a cheap item to purchase. These are my new friends that I will learn to love. They feel really comfortable and I'm hoping I will still love them after a days trekking!! I have to start wearing them in abit.

With Christmas and the heat I haven't been wanting to do much training the past few weeks. Before Christmas I was doing at least 1 hours of exercise 5-6 days a week and my son was getting me to go on walks with him of a late afternoon. He also helped out with my training by insisting that I piggyback him on the way home when his legs got tired. He's abit heavy now he is 8 years old, so I couldn't carry him too far.

I lost 5 kilos before Christmas and then put a little bit of it back on. I'm nearly down to the weight I was before then. Sometimes I think I just have to look at food and I put on a kilo. I hate to think what size I would be if I ate McDonalds, Cakes and fatty foods!!
Anyway I'm determined to get serious and lose some weight and get fit before the trek. I've started doing Aqua aerobics 2 times a week which is a great workout. Also I'm going to plan to do an hour on the treadmill every day and go on walks when I can fit them in.
So that's the plan!!!!

Details of my Nepal Trip

When I was deciding to go to Nepal I was looking at brochures and thought I'd picked out a trek I wanted to do, but then I went looking on the internet at a few different companies. I then found the perfect trip with World Expeditions. It leaves at the end of March for 15 days. Its a fundraising trip for the Australian Himalayan Foundation and part of the money goes towards teacher training (something I'm interested in as I'm trained as a Primary Teacher). We trek for 7 days and camp. We also visit the first school and hospital that Sir Edmund Hilary built.

The thing that also makes this trip really special is that Sorrell Wilby is escorting it. Sorrell is an amazing woman. She rode a bicycle through Asia, walked across Tibet, she traversed the Himalayan Mountains and climbed all the major mountains in Africa. She wrote books on these trips and worked for Australian Geographic and on an Australian Travel TV Show called Getaway. I remember reading her books when they first came out and loved them and her sense of adventure. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that I would be going on a trek with her. Its going to be wonderful talking to her and listening to her stories.